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Play And Store Audio From And To Database

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At one point in my script I want a choice list to be generated from a mysql database.

since it`s multiple languages, I would record the sound file in advance (and not use the "text voice generator"), and store it as blob in the DB.


is it possible to retreive the blob type in somekind of variable and then "play" that thing on the line?


i`ll try to put an example:



item1 ivr=yes audiotitle=blob audiodesc=blob

item2 ivr=yes audiotitle=blob audiodesc=blob

item3 ivr=no audiotitle=blob audiodesc=blob

and so on..


VG would select the ivr=yes item, play their audiotitle, and wait for caller input for a #, then play it`s audiodesc.


whether or not this is possible, is it also possible to store the recorded message after, in the database as a blob from VG or should I use an external script?


maybe i`m dreaming in color lol.. but if you could point me in some direction i`d appreciate.


and bravo for your very good work here on every question.


Have a good day!

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After reading more in the archive forum, I guess it won`t work that way.


so, using filenames stored where the script can access them.


is there a way to generate a choice list (press 1 to whichever number of items I have in my database table) and play the according sound files(of coursed name in the database) one after the one with a last sound file saying "make your selection", in the same module? (smells like vb I guess)



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is it possible to retreive the blob type in somekind of variable and then "play" that thing on the line?
You could write a VBScript which retrieves the 'blob' and saves it in a file. Assign the filename used to a VG Result Variable and the use that RV in a Play module.


Similar if you want to record to a blob - after recording run a VBScript which reads in the file and saves it to DB.

is there a way to generate a choice list
It would be easiest to have a VBScript create the list of sound files which you'd like played, assign that comma delimited list to a RV and use that RV i Play module to play the list of files.


and bravo for your very good work here on every question.
Thanks :)

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bksunday: I have successfully attached and detached sound files (both as wavs and mp3 coverted to from wavs) to / from databases (but not mysql as yet) in real-time. However, based on my experience, If you have a single database/IVR server I think it is better to keep the files as real-files and just use the filename(&paths) in the database, ie: use the db as to index your wavs.


The only reason to create blobs is if you are replicating across 2 or more servers. If only 1 server, then you can keep as files, and perform all the wav selection using the db queries, and just pass a list back to VG of what files to play. If 2 servers and the file list is static, then just copy the files to keep in synch, otherwise, you could try a) a file replication utility, or B) just copy the file over the network each time one is created (bit trickier if you need to keep track of deletions but possible too) using VBScript.

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